Ready for the VPP Revolution?
With seamless scalability, building is ready to contribute to Virtual Power Plants (VPP), unlocking new revenue streams and enhanced energy efficiency for a sustainable future.
Transition to a 'Connected' building, actively optimize energy use, unlock extra income.
Next-generation VPP architecture
We introduce a unique Internet of Energy framework for Virtual Power Plants, utilizing advanced automation and Hardware agnostics edge intelligence.
Optimize, Earn, Stabilize
Participate in Demand Response (DR) programs to earn extra revenue, leverage battery storage to lower peak demand, and enhance grid stability
AI-powered energy optimization
Our cloud-based platform and edge computing power optimize energy flows by leveraging diverse distributed energy resources. We unlock the potential of distributed energy resources like solar panels and batteries, optimizing energy use for homes and businesses in real-time.
Effortless connection, instant insights
We have reached a breakthrough in building Industry’s first OEM agnostic integrated operating platform that will allow utilities to expedite installation and scale operations of virtual power plants (VPP) without worrying about device OEM, interoperability and compatibility
Our operating system ConnTrol-OS™ autonomously acts upon intelligent insights it generates dealing with thousands of energy devices, grid parameters, market signals - in real time. ( unlike monitoring systems in the market.)
The OS aggregates consumer-side devices like rooftop solar, EV chargers, thermostats, heat pumps, and HVACs into distributed power plants and automates their coordinated performance to reduce power losses and utilize each available DER in an optimal way to support grid.
One of the strongest protection against malware for a network is “air gap “ system where a physical system can disconnect itself from internet and continue functioning when an invasion is identified. Connect X Internet Of Energy , two-tier architecture allows for edge led local network to function with Edge operating system and local AI based optimizer, disconnected from the cloud based OS.
Our CYOE (Choose Your Own Edge) approach is revolutionizing the integration of DERs. We can convert your existing devices like PCs, TVs, Macs into a powerful Controller Gateway. Or you can use a Single board computer - a dedicated hardware for a real-time monitoring and control that operates directly at the edge.
We call this gateway ConnTrol-ED™ which enables Real-time, low-latency control, responds instantly to energy demand changes and operates even during outages, thanks to embedded AI and local data processing. Designed for on-site energy usage optimization, it reduces dependency on the cloud while ensuring seamless performance.
Our cloud platform ConnTrol-OS™ provides utilities and building operators with the tools to manage and optimize DERs in real-time. Using our AI/ML models user can do accurate demand and supply forecasting. Near-perfect energy predictions allow you to plan ahead, ensuring efficient distribution and minimizing costs.
With our CYOE approach and the flexible, OEM-agnostic ConnTrol-OS architecture, buildings are equipped to seamlessly integrate into VPPs, contributing to a greener, more efficient energy grid. This scalable, interoperable platform allows utilities to quickly implement VPPs, unlocking new opportunities for energy savings and stability